Java Game Starter
A downloadable asset pack for Windows
-- Recommended Software --
Notepad++ (To edit the batch file)
Don't worry! I will leave a batch file to start window notepad with the batch file as its target!
-- Instructions --
(Remember to delete anything labeled with DELETE-ME)
#1 How do I add my .jar file?
#1A Put your .jar into the << Game >> folder and open Notepad++ with the Game.bat file or run notepad.bat file and go to
<< start %~dp0Java\bin\java.exe -jar %~dp0Game\Game.jar >>
when you are there change the Game.jar to whatever your jar name is, such as Sentinel.jar
And you can also edit the program arguments here.
#2 How do I add my Java Environment
#2A (If its not installed yet, install java)
Go to << C:\ >> in file explorer and press << Program Files >> and go down to << Java >> then got o << JRE(Java Version) >> and then keep that open and open up your game folder, and copy all the stuff from your jre folder into the java folder.
#3 Program Arguments?
#3A Open up the Game.bat file, and then at this line
<< start %~dp0Java\bin\java.exe -jar %~dp0Game\Game.jar >>
add your program arguments, you can limit ram and other stuff, you can search an article on the web
#4 Why batch?
#4A The java runtime environment starts as a command prompt (Like a batch file) and a .exe really doesn't work as well as batch, .bat will be 1kb but .exe will be like 30kb, I just wanted to go with something simple
#5 Am I done?
#5A Yes! You should be done! If you release it make sure to remove the Notepad.bat file
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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